i want to live in the place where the nothingness is palpable
where i drive until the road runs out
walk until the trail runs out
and stop
and revel in the emptiness
ask 'do you hear that' and i say yes
and i pity the poor bastards who say no
they only know their world of the city Looking for my
with its constant rumble
and noise
and smell
'what do you see' - nothing they say Looking for my
something else?
the poor blind fools
i see life
i see the real world
not this facade of concrete and control
a failing struggle to overcome
the natural
a desire to be gods
the world has enough gods
we need only listen and observe
their works around us
buildings are destroyed by storms not because they are weak
they lose the battle we set them in
our war on the world will continue
until we cede
or die
man will not
can not